This Portfolio Stock Is a Buy on Any Weakness
When we look at the stock price chart for LendingClub (LC:NYSE; $3.43; 1.1%), below, we see that over the last several weeks the shares have retraced a significant portion of their November-December drop. We added the shares in mid-December and we’ve enjoyed the ensuing resurgence in the shares, which, as of last night’s close, had the position up more than 15%.
In the same chart, in the top left corner, we can see the recovery in the share price has now positioned the shares in oversold territory. At the same time, LC shares are about to bump up against their 200-day moving average, a key level of support. If the shares break through that level, from a technical perspective their next stop looks to be around $3.82. If they don’t break through, we could see the shares sell off some.
From a fundamental perspective, we continue to like LendingClub given the escalating debt levels faced by consumers. New findings from LendingTree (TREE) point to total credit card debt having climbed to more than $1 trillion, with more people using personal loans to do exactly that: manage existing debt. According to the report’s findings, managing existing debt was the most popular reason for a personal loan, representing 61% of all loan requests in 2018. Of that percentage, 39% of borrowers plan to use their loans to consolidate debt, while 22% planned to use it to refinance credit cards.
We see this activity as a positive for LendingClub’s business, and should the shares not pierce the 200-day moving average, odds are we will use the resulting weakness to add to our position.
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