Jim Cramer: I Am Not a Seller of Technology
We keep hearing it is time to ring the register on technology.
I keep coming back and saying, what is this, 1984?
There is no "technology" now. There are cloud based companies that make businesses do better. There are aids to omnichannel. There are gaming and data center and artificial intelligence companies.
And then there are HP Inc (HPQ) and IBM (IBM) and a couple of companies that are legacy.
Consider, for example, the case of Square (SQ) . What are we supposed to say: "Sell square because it is time to sell technology"?
Given the plus 40% growth, given the total addressable market, given what is needed to have small business having the advantages of big business, I sure am not a seller.
That's is what you are up against if you dump now.
Action Alerts PLUS, which Cramer co-manages as a charitable trust, has no positions in the stocks mentioned.